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HomeWhy Home In Place?

Why Home In Place?


because aging is a time of opportunity, rather than crisis…a resource rather than a drain on resources. As life expectancy increases, how we think about aging is changing – a growing expectation that we continue to lead active, purposeful lives as we age. Being part of a supportive community provides opportunities for personal growth and quality of life.

We can make contributions that improve our communities and enhance the welfare of future generations if obstacles to social connection and safety at home are removed and outlets for creativity and community engagement enhanced.


…because today’s communities are not designed for aging in place.  Today’s patterns of life create a vacuum in neighborhoods and a lack of investment in social fabric.  Predominance of two-income households means no one is home during the day. Often adult children live elsewhere with today’s trend toward nuclear families and are not around to provide day to day assistanceHousing patterns mean we live further from necessary services and depend more on driving. 


Current support networks have not kept pace with the challenges of aging - social isolation, declining health and reduced mobility. As children leave home and retirement arrives, adults committed to aging in place discover they are in need of a supportive community.


We want to live in homes of our choosing. Overwhelmingly, we want to live in our current residences and communities as long as possible - 4 out of 5 according to a 2018 AARP study.  Just 59% of us believe we will be able to.

Having options helps preserve autonomy and self-determination as we adapt to the changing realities that come with aging. Options for living safely and independently help us continue to live in ways that we choose.

Independence is maximized by staying connected. Aging often brings changes in both health and social status.  Loss of significant others, decline in self-esteem influenced by changes in employment and social connections, declining health or even injuries isolate individuals from neighborhoods and communities.


Grounded in the belief that persons of all ages are a viable source of ideas in our community - an asset rather than a burden - Home In Place steps up to meet the challenges of aging.